Powerful DNA

My cousin Hallie is a person and not just a DNA match.

While that might seem obvious, after a dozen or more emails exchanged the only thing we had learned about each other is how we might be related. Our suspected common ancestors have the same last names and came from the same part of Europe blah blah blah. I fully intended to introduce Hallie within this context and had even prepared visuals from her family tree showing her ancestors of the same name next to mine.

A couple of days ago (seriously) Hallie asked if I would share some information with her about ME. So I did. And I asked her to reciprocate which she did. No offense to our common ancestors but Hallie’s story is a lot more interesting. Those folks will have to wait their turn should it ever come up.

I was AMAZED to learn how much Hallie and I have in common. We have some powerful shared DNA going on up in there! It’s no wonder we’ve connected.

Like me, Hallie is a middle child. Do I need to go any further? She has an older brother who’s an engineer. Me, too. She has a younger sister who works in a school. Ditto. Her brother’s oldest child is a nurse. Um, Twilight Zone! Lawrence Welk was not instrumental (I couldn’t resist) but was present in our early lives. Yikes! Hallie married a man who likes Judge Judy. I have about 50 episodes of Judge Judy sitting in my DVR waiting to be watched. Uncanny!

Neither of us has children of our own. Our mothers died too soon. She has a career I might have had if things had turned out differently. I could keep going.

Hallie and I may never figure out exactly how we’re related. It goes back pretty far. I am okay with it. After all, those folks are long gone. I am happy just knowing we’re related. I told Hallie that reading about her life story was a lot like catching up with an old friend. We just met so how can that be?

I think it’s because we’re not just DNA matches. We are family.

Kenfolk: Tranthams (we’re definitely related on my dad’s side)
Relations: Probably 5th or 6th cousin
Common ancestors:  Nope, not gonna do it. That story will have to wait.

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